
SPARK Community Highlights #3 – July 2022

As the season marches on through the summer, we are excited to once again share some of our favorite moments from the 2022 edition of the .strandberg* SPARK program! SPARK is a one-of-a-kind community project, creative competition, and the official Facebook community for anything and everything related to .strandberg* Guitars, where group members create and post original content based on creative prompts in order to win prizes.

Topics for this July highlight installment include #RaisingYourStandard, #WarmingUp, #ChildrensSong, #StrandbergDetails, and #Halftime.



For the topic of #RaisingYourStandard, Benjamin Langels created this wonderful “Standard House of Strandberg” flag to celebrate all things SPARK! All glory to the House of Strandberg. If there’s a more literal way to interpret “Raising Your Standard”, we haven’t seen it!

From Benjamin:

Ah, yes.. The Standard of House Strandberg. Glory to his name.

Incidentally there is a standard on the standard.

Double incidentally it has also been raised.

Tripple incidentally, this also raised the standard of my non-existant arts & craft game.

Over and out!

See Benjamin’s full entry on the .strandberg* SPARK Community page.


For the topic of #WarmingUp, Benedek Suri busted out the thermal camera and filmed himself playing the ultimate warmup riff! On top of warming up his chops physically on the guitar, the addition of the thermal camera meant Benedek can display how his guitar actually gets warmed up over the course of his riffing. Certainly one of the most creative submissions for this topic – well done, Benedek!

From Benedek:

Warming up for a HOT guitar solo? Look how itโ€™s done.
I borrowed a Thermal Camera and made a video about the perfect warmup riff. You have to use all your fingers and utilize the whole neck.
This thermal camera I had access to only has 32.136 Thermal pixels, so thatโ€™s the cause for the low resolution. It also has 20 degrees Field Of View so figuring out the place where to stand to be in the picture was also challenging ๐Ÿ™‚

See Benedek’s full entry on the .strandberg* SPARK Community page.



For the topic of #ChildrensSong, Frank Mayhack filmed this fun video of him playing Twinkle Twinkle Little Star but in a death metal fashion, as he serenades his precious Boden baby to sleep. In addition to being a fun skit, Frank managed to actually turn “Twinkle Twinkle Little Star” into a legitimately heavy lullaby. Blast beats never sounded so relaxing!

From Frank:

Welp I had so much fun with the whole โ€œEvil Strandberg that talks to meโ€ thing that I couldnโ€™t help myself. My Strandberg demanded a #childrenssong before bed and who am I to tell it no? Death Metal Twinkle Twinkle Little Star

See Frank’s full entry on the .strandberg* SPARK Community page.

Another great entry for #ChildrensSong, Benjamin Langels made a return with this incredible .strandberg*-themed rendition of “Do You Want to Build a Snowman?” from Frozen. Replacing the snowman theme with some serious .strandberg* GAS, Benjamin perfectly encapsulates the sometimes necessary bargaining process for such a purchase. The song is not only a hilarious and shockingly catchy version of the Disney classic, but the performance video and editing skills from Benjamin are equally impressive.

From Benjamin:

For this topic I wanted to explore one of Disneys newer classics.

It even has sing-a-long so the smallest youngin’s can participate!

I present to you; An age old tale of struggle, and persistence..

See Benjamin’s full entry on the .strandberg* SPARK Community page.


For the topic of #StrandbergDetails, Anil Bahsi created this amazingly realistic “Creamberg” cake Boden, constructed from what appears to be red velvet cake (and including Ola’s Secret Creamy Formula, nonetheless)! Not only does this image explore some up-close details of a .strandberg* in a lighthearted and original way, but it also shows that you can indeed have your cake and play it too!

From Anil:

I think my favorite detail that make Strandberg so unique is the the way this instrument make me feel.

Strandberg finishes look really charming. I believe the feel of an instrument is an essential part for one to connect with an instrument.

Both visually and sonically, these guitars always have something to explore. ๐Ÿฐ

See Anil’s full entry on the .strandberg* SPARK Community page.

Yet another unique entry for #StrandbergDetails, Victor Mata created this seriously impressive analysis video which takes a detailed look at one of his favorite characteristics about .strandberg* guitars: sustainability! Not only does Victor discuss the Boden body shape as compared to more resource-intensive traditional guitar designs, but he also took extreme measurements of the approximate amount of wood on a .strandberg*. The results are enlightening, to say the least. Well done, Victor!

From Victor:

Hey guys, hope youโ€™re doing great!
For this topic I decided to focus on one of the aspects that I appreciate the most about Strandberg guitars, sustainability!
Itโ€™s something that I often see left out in the guitar community, so, to show how Strandberg is helping to make less damage to our planet, I decided to calculate the approximate amount of wood a Boden body uses vs a LP style guitar, as you can see, the difference is astonishing.
I hope sustainability becomes something more relevant Iโ€™m the guitar community :))
Good luck to everyone!

See Victor’s full entry on the .strandberg* SPARK Community page.


For the topic of #Halftime, Jack Bram whipped up this impressive arrangement of “Auld Lang Syne”, composed of several clips from six of his live performances, live recordings, and other videos from the first half of 2022. We can’t imagine the time it took to piece together such a massive song, so Jack’s efforts have definitely not gone unnoticed.

From Jack:

Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you, 2022 #Halftime review!
Since we have made it though the first half of 2022, I have decided to make an arrangement of the first half of โ€œAuld Lang Syne.โ€ I also constructed the melody out of sampled clips from my 6 live performances and other recordings from throughout the first half of the year. And to top it off, I added a halftime drum beat. Hope you enjoy it half as much as I enjoyed making it!

See Jack’s full entry on the .strandberg* SPARK Community page.

And last but certainly not least for #Halftime, Aditya Mhatre drew this amazing Marvel-style illustration of several of his favorite SPARK contributors, including our wonderful Chairman and Lead team and other fine group members. This illustration captures the enthusiasm behind what makes SPARK the amazing community that it is and we couldn’t be more impressed. Great job, Aditya!

From Aditya:

Closing halfway of season 2022 with a bang!
Tribute to the favs!

See Aditya’s full entry on the .strandberg* SPARK Community page.


What is SPARK?

.strandberg* Spark is a one-of-a-kind community project, creative competition, and the official Facebook community for anything and everything related to .strandberg* Guitars, where group members create and post original content based on creative prompts in order to win prizes.

The basis for the group is simple: every two weeks, our Spark admin team crafts two topics that are meant to stir the creative juices of group participants, who then contribute their creative spin on the current topics. Each member can post one contribution per topic (two submissions every two weeks) and can be awarded up to 10 points per submission. Each submission is judged by the Spark admin team and judging is based on the creativity, originality, and overall quality of the submission. The first 4 participants who earn 200 points or more from the jury in the 2022 season will receive a .strandberg* Boden Classic or Standard of their choice for free, and among all other participants who have received points, another .strandberg* guitar will be raffled off at the end of the season.

Spark members are highly encouraged to use any creative resource to come up with their interpretation of the current topics; itโ€™s not just limited to guitar videos, but can be poetry, mixed media, art, fashion, or just about anything you find relevant to the topics presented โ€” the only limit is your creativity!

Headย hereย to learn more about the official Spark rules and to join our creative online community!ย โœจ

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