A new winner has been crowned for the latest Spark season and we are back to share some of our favorite entries from .strandberg* SPARK Season 2 of 2024!
Some of the topics for Season 2 included #PlayWithColors, #BranchingOut, #SideQuestHenshall, and #Archetype. Let’s take a moment to see some of the incredible entries submitted by our members for the Season.
If you aren’t familiar with the work of Julian Kleiss, then his entry for #PlayWithColors can be your quick intro to his creative mind. His entry for the topic is unlike his previous work, pairing his unique musicianship with camera tricks for some wild outfit changes.
It is almost impossible not to smile while listening to him jam out!
Check out Julian’s entry here for the full-resolution goodness!

For the #BranchingOut topic, we have rising star Priyanshu Ranjan Choudhary showing off his versatility as a music producer by mixing together his metal sensibilities with hip-hop.
Definitely someone that we, at SPARK, all have our eyes on. We’re looking forward to seeing more of his work throughout the coming year.
Priyanshu Ranjan Choudhary‘s genre-bending entry is one that we’ll be thinking about for a long time.
For the first of our #SideQuest topics in the new “Journey to Mount Ola” campaign, we paired up with .strandberg* signature artist Richard Henshall to give away a slew of prizes including a copy of his latest solo album, digital Haken tabs, and even a private 1-on-1 guitar lesson to one lucky winner.
SPARK veteran Isaac Beckett was the one to take it home with this entry by combining his two passions into one epic post!

#Archetype pt. 1
Hey Neural DSP! Are you listening? Mayonnaise is an instrument!
SPARK newcomer, Anjam Butt, took the Neural DSP #Archetype collaboration topic and ran with it by creating the unofficial Neural DSP Archetype: Patrick Star.
#Archetype pt. 2
With all the amazing entries that we received for the #Archetype topic, it was difficult to find one that we would award the bonus prize in collaboration with Neural DSP.
But ultimately, the entry by Euodia Yudo Prabowo won our hearts by making a working graphic user interface for his entry dubbed “Archetype Cortex”.

2024 Season 2 Winner
And the moment you’ve all been waiting for, the winner of a brand new Boden Essential or Standard model…
Congrats to Julian Kleiss for taking home the win this season!
What is SPARK?
.strandberg* Spark is a one-of-a-kind community project, creative competition, and the official Facebook community for anything and everything related to .strandberg* Guitars, where group members create and post original content based on creative prompts in order to win prizes.
Head here to learn more about the official Spark rules and to join our creative online community!
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