Mr. Brock Benzel has been chosen to be the chairman of the Spark program, as well as several other leads that will assist Brock in creating the content. This content is intended to be topic starters based upon the chosen topic. From there, anyone can post their creative version of the chosen topic and if the leads and chairman like, that member will be rewarded a flint. Collecting flint can be used to cash in for prizes in our Shop.

How it works:
- Topics are chosen on a Bi-Weekly basis; there will be a couple of options in case you cannot come up with something based on one you can choose the other. Being creative as possible is the key2.
- Everyone will be given two weeks to submit content, in which case after that point submissions will close and the winners will be chosen based upon the content.
- Criteria for successful content is as follows: 1. Content’s relevancy to topic 2. Quality of image/video/etc. 3. Creative use of resources and overall creativity
- One the Topic cycle is completed, a new set of topics will be chosen. During the new cycle the winners of the ‘flint’ will be chosen. Members can cash in on prizes as they collect enough ‘flint’. You are not obligated to participate, only when you feel the creative juices flowing!
To Join and to get all the details of the program, please follow the link to our Facebook group here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/strandbergspark/
We look forward to working with you to having some serious creative fun!

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