Celebrate summer in style

Strandberg Summer Tour Competition 2023


Summer is the ideal touring season, and therefore, we are launching the .strandberg* Summer Tour Competition, where players from all over the world can show off their inspiration in an array of exciting locations. The rules of the contest are simple: take a photo of yourself with your .strandberg* guitar or bass this summer in a place where you find inspiration, wherever it may be (your porch, the woods, by the ocean, in a mountain range – you decide!). The most exciting and creative submission will win a new Boden Standard NX 6 Tremolo LE Chameleon Burst. With only 100 pieces available worldwide, each accompanied by a coveted limited edition certificate, this is one of the most unique models we’ve produced to date.


  • July 5th @ 12:00pm PDT – July 31st @ 11:59pm PDT


  • One (1) winner will receive a Boden Standard NX 6 Tremolo LE Chameleon Burst


  1. Take a picture of your .strandberg* guitar outdoors in a place that inspires you.
  2. Post your contribution to Instagram or Facebook and tag @strandbergguitars.
  3. Tag your post with #strandbergsummertour and the location youโ€™re at.
  4. Entries will be judged based on the quality, creativity, and originality of the photo. The winner will be announced the week after the contest has ended.
  5. No purchase is necessary to enter. Void where prohibited by law.

And if you don’t yet own a .strandberg*, be sure to join our official creative community project .strandberg* Spark where guitars are given away throughout the year to the most creative and engaging group members.

Weโ€™re looking forward to seeing where in the world you bring your guitar!

Boden Standard NX 6 Tremolo LE Chameleon Burst
