Boundless creativity

Boden JR Sorcerer Limited Edition

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A futuristic reimagination of the .strandberg* Boden guitar from the mind of a progressive polymath

The connection between .strandberg* Guitars and acclaimed Dream Theater keyboardist Jordan Rudess goes back several years to when Jordan first acquired a Boden Prog series guitar with which heโ€™s been exploring the sonic world of guitar playing ever since. Alongside Jordanโ€™s undeniable impact on the world of progressive rock keyboard virtuosity, heโ€™s always been an avid explorer of diverse musical interest including software development, advanced musical education lecturing, and a voyager of new instruments to embark on roads less traveled. The fruit of this creative collaboration can now be experienced and enjoyed by other musicians who require a limitless tool of expression.



The Boden JR Sorcerer Limited Edition guitars come with all the acclaimed ergonomic features, lively sonic character, and clear tone that .strandberg* Guitars are known for but also bring a selection of completely unique features to further enhance creativity and the playing experience.


The deep and lustrous metallic purple burst gloss finish bring out the dramatic nature of the flamed Maple top and creates a visually striking bond with the roasted Maple neck and Ebonol fretboard embellished with Jordanโ€™s own Sorcerer inlays. The expressive visual aesthetic is then complemented with equal sonic attributes like an American-made Suhr SSH+ bridge humbucker, the EGS Rev7B tremolo bridge with pop-in arm, and a Sustainiac Stealth Pro electromagnetic sustain system to offer a vast array of musical textures and creative possibilities.

.strandberg* Guitars and Jordan Rudess proudly invites all musical explorers to experience the The Boden JR Sorcerer Limited Edition guitar for themselves.


Jordan Rudess with the guitar

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