What does your guitar rig consist of and how is it used to shape the sound you envision?
I use 6, 8, and 9 string guitars and the 5 string Boden Bass. Mostly, my sound is created by an Axe FX II live and Neural DSP in the studio. My guitars emulate the sound of a bass and a guitar at the same time.
What do you find appealing about .strandberg* guitars and how has it affected your playing and artistry?
My sound has been created through the collaboration with .strandberg* guitars, and without its characteristics, my sound would never have been the same. It’s also the ideal instrument to bring on tour — you always play relaxed and sound and look incredible.
Who are your major influencers over the years?
Flamenco: Vincente Amigo, Paco de Lucia, Gerardo Nuñez
Finger picking: Antonie Dufour, Mike Dawes, Jon Gomm
Metal: Per Nilsson, Dimebag Darrel, Brian Head
What are your plans for the immediate and long-term future?
Continue making music and continue collaborating with musicians that I admire around the world, share my music on stage, and continue learning from others.
Any other closing thoughts?
I’m excited to evolve musically with a brand like .strandberg*, which keeps on innovating every year and gives us players new tools to experiment with.