The competition has been a collaboration with the Uppsala Guitar Festival 2020 which was all based online this year, due to the pandemic.
For this year’s competition we wanted to level the playing field between bass players and guitarists. We came up with the notion of interpreting a traditional Swedish folk song, “Polska from Norrbotten”, from the region where the town of Boden is located, which incidentally is the name of our now iconic guitar model. We found the music equally fitting for both Bass and Guitar.
162 contributions received and close to 60 000 votes were cast – Amazing work everyone!
Jury: Ola Strandberg, Uppsala Guitar Festival, Winners of previous competitions: Pho Hock, Jose Macario, Dylan Revey, Adam Rafowitz and also all the online voters [which was counted as one jury member]
5th place BASS – Carlo Delfino [Italy]
5th place GUITAR – Fabrizio Guadagnolo [Italy]
4th place BASS – Julian Brunde [Czechia]
4th place GUITAR – Stepan Docekal [Czechia]
3rd place BASS Steve Williams [USA]
3rd place GUITAR Daniel Ledrowski [USA]
2nd place BASS Oscar Santa Cruz [Mexico]
2nd place GUITAR Giuseppe Motta [Italy]
1st place BASS Magnus Sjöquist [Sweden]
1st place GUITAR Oliver Christian [Brazil]
Congratulations to the winners and thank you to everyone that voted, participated and visited our strandberg channel during the competition. We would also like to say thank you again to Uppsala Guitar Festival as we conclude a great few weeks of collaboration and tireless work in making this festival happen. Keep watching our stranded livestreams, for more inspiring music and updates from .strandberg* and our creative community of musicians.
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