Inspiration | Spark

SPARK Community – June

SPARK Community – June

The SPARK community has done it again! During the month of June the community was tasked with developing creative ways to show their enthusiasm and support for .strandberg* instruments based on the following topics; #32 Story Time, #33 Picture Perfect vs. Avenge & #34 We’ll Do It Live/Scale

#32 Story Time Johannes Schmillmann

Johannes Schmillmann won the gold by creating an entire virtual book! The digital novel features the story and art all done by Schmillmann, is a story about receiving a new Strandberg Sälen, and upon plugging in for the first time Johannes’ cat ends up completely destroying the guitar! Schillman then buries the guitar and to his surprise, a ‘Strandberg Giving Tree’ arises with a wealth of new Sälen guitars. As he put it, it is “A rather sad story about the short joy of a fulfilled childhood dream and the wonder that happens”. The artwork is fantastic and the story is something we can all relate to as musicians and artists. Well done, Johannes!

To read the entire story Click Here

#33 Picture Perfect vs. Avenge Wilhelm Underwood 

Wilhelm Underwood won gold by creating his very own Strandberg asterisk temporary tattoo. In his video submission, he explains how he first got the image printed on some special tattoo paper and cut them out from there in all various sizes. It takes about 10 seconds with a wet cloth for them to properly adhere, and as he shows you in the video, they work pretty well anywhere you stick them! A simple, hilarious, and effective to represent the Strandberg brand — well done, Wilhelm!

Click Here to watch Wilhelm’s facebook video

#34 We’ll Do It Live/Scale Ivan Smolin

Ivan Smolin won the gold by creating a series of billboards depicting famous deceased musicians in the spirit of “If legends where alive”! The five billboards Smolin came up with include the likes of John Lennon, Curt Kobain, Jimi Hendrix, Freddie Mercury, and Viktor Tsoi, and feature the musicians posing for new concerts, albums, and events as if they were still with us. While it may appear fun upon first glance, there is a sobering and surreal feeling associated with seeing these deceased legends on present-day billboards. Well done, Ivan!

Thanks & Congratulations!

A very special Thanks to all of the Golden Flint winners and everyone in the SPARK community that participated. We are extremely grateful for all your hard work and support.

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